A curated list of digital specimens
of the highest quality. Updated daily.

Public Sans 400

We've probably featured Public Sans on here before, but this is the actual specimen page – a level down from the micro site home page. Mirroring a print design, it displays a waterfall of different font sizes. An interesting comparative component where Public Sans is shown next to Verdana, Georgia, and System.

Published on 20 Oct 2020

Patufet font

This is a great specimen from Type Republic. Traditionally designed, but with each paragraph or single sentence changing into a type tester when the user clicks on it. It's a detailed, considered digital specimen.

Published on 20 Oct 2020


An amazing experimental variable font, the specimen for Handset tries to articulate the huge range of options available to the user. The discretionary ligatures are such a delight.

Published on 19 Oct 2020


The notable point about this specimen is the conversational tone it takes in explaining the features of the font – particularly the Very Discretionary Ligatures. Nicely presented illustrations give a 50's vibe.

Published on 19 Oct 2020


An impressively detailed, long-form specimen for Dunbar. Starting with stacked typographic illustrations, it moves onto typesetters for each individual weight. The detailed overview of Opentype features is a welcome addition, as are the in-depth design notes.

Published on 19 Oct 2020

Megabase Stripe

A brilliant single page specimen for an experimental version of Megabase that allows the user to create colour gradients. It includes simple UI controls for changing the slant axis, as well as each of the colour steps in the gradient.

Published on 15 Oct 2020


Simple, functional, and shows off the typeface in the best possible way, this specimen for Parry – similar to all specimens on the Original Type website – has a detailed view of all opentype features, glyph set, and stacked type testers.

Published on 14 Oct 2020


This specimen for Basco neatly combines a very tight-specific print aesthetic – duotone colour palette, and mixing supportive photography – with a more web-native feel with scrolling animations.

Published on 13 Oct 2020

Ghost Town

The notable point about this specimen for Ghost Town from Ooukpress is the long form editorial as a way of introducing the typeface, describing the features of the typeface, but all set in varying weights and styles. It reads like a product page. Notable for Greek support, it's also freely available.

Published on 13 Oct 2020


This specimen for Eliza is notable for the graphic explanation of opentype features and support in addition to the detailed and categorised glyph set. The purchasing flow is interesting opening up drawers of content from the site's horizontal navigation.

Published on 13 Oct 2020


A new typeface from Fontwerk. Case is a modern Neo-Grotesque made for the new Twenties. The specimen's subtle use of photography of found objects or urban textures works nicely with the content. The information architecture of Fontwork's specimens work really well in guiding the user down to more detailed information.

Published on 13 Oct 2020


A lovely hand-written font with some clever additions detailed in the specimen. This typeface has emoji conversions, double underlines, and also some delightful scribbling-outs. The specimen itself is a stacked set of type testers sitting below a carousel and some brief editorial.

Published on 08 Oct 2020