A curated list of digital specimens
of the highest quality. Updated daily.

Science Gothic

A variable font with a lot of variation! Science Gothic is a reimagining of Bank Gothic in a HUGE new design space. The specimen is interesting from a graphic design and web design perspective. A blend of noised backgrounds with two tone gradients fill each horizontal container.

Published on 24 Jun 2020


A lovely looking typeface with a simple and clear specimen. Images of the type set in various contexts open the specimen – presumably from a printed companion – before moving into some type testing and finally the ability to download trial fonts.

Published on 18 Jun 2020


Following the trend of leading the digital specimens with images of the font in various contexts, the specimen for Antonia includes some notable additions – an animation of the variable font, individual type testers for the many weights but with options to preselect to HTML headings and text.

Published on 18 Jun 2020

( KOMETA ) Labil Grotesk

An unconventional specimen for an unconventional typeface. It's quite rare to see experimentation in this space, so when it does happen it's refreshing. A carousel of images with introductory content open the specimen leading onto stacked typesetters for the various weights. The design patterns themselves are conventional, but the presentation less so.

Published on 18 Jun 2020

Live Weather Forecasts by Black[Foundry]

This is an interesting little application of a font selling the benefits of variable fonts, but packaged up into something useful.

Published on 18 Jun 2020


There is something nuts and bolts about this specimen that appeals. Lean on snazzy features, or enticing content, the Exchange specimen leads with simple typetesters, small explanatory text, and options to read more in-depth content or download a print specimen.

Published on 17 Jun 2020