A curated list of digital specimens
of the highest quality. Updated daily.


Simple, functional, and shows off the typeface in the best possible way, this specimen for Parry – similar to all specimens on the Original Type website – has a detailed view of all opentype features, glyph set, and stacked type testers.

Published on 14 Oct 2020


This specimen for Basco neatly combines a very tight-specific print aesthetic – duotone colour palette, and mixing supportive photography – with a more web-native feel with scrolling animations.

Published on 13 Oct 2020

Ghost Town

The notable point about this specimen for Ghost Town from Ooukpress is the long form editorial as a way of introducing the typeface, describing the features of the typeface, but all set in varying weights and styles. It reads like a product page. Notable for Greek support, it's also freely available.

Published on 13 Oct 2020